urticaria is one of the common forms of skin allergy found in both males and females of all races globally.In some people it lasts for a few minutes while in others it last more than a day to weeks and months.what are the causes of urticaria and why does it happen.,how homeopathic medicines help in this allergic response?let us have a look at the different manifestations of urticaria and their causes.
Urticaria is also
known as hives or nettle rash, is a group of disorders characterized by
eruption of wheals which are transient, itchy, well-demarcated, superficial,
erythematous or pale swellings of the dermis.
Urticaria is a
common problem with cumulative lifetime prevalence of 1 -5 % and female
preponderance. The size of wheal may range from a few millimeters to large
confluent lesions. Lesions are very itchy and provoke rubbing rather than
scratching .acute urticaria may present as an anaphylactic reaction. Usually
urticaria is precipitated by the intake of certain drugs and stings of insects.
Urticaria can be
classified on the basis of trigger factors.
- spontaneous urticaria
erupt spontaneously and subsides with in a few minutes to hours and do not
persist beyond 24 hours.
urticarea resolves within 2weeks. Chronic urticaria persists for more than
6weeks.Episodic urticaria is recurring acute urticaria.
mast cells are the major effector cells of urticaria.The pathogenesis of acute
urticaria involves the interaction of an allergen with specific IgE antibodies
on mast cells. This result in vasodilatation, wheal formation and clinical
manifestations.Eosinophils play a major role in persistence of wheals.
Allergic causes----
like pencillin, cephalosporins, insulin, vaccines.
stings by bee, wasps etc.
Latex in
rubber products such as gloves.
such as pollens, animal dander, mould spores and house dust.
allergic causes -----direct histamine release from mast
cells occurring due to some drugs like
aspirin,morphine,iodine based dyes etc.Some foods like peanuts, cheese ,meat
,tomatoes ,pineapple ,strawberries,shellfish,prawns&some food preservatives
can also cause this.
cause can be identified.
2 .Chronic
is difficult to determine the cause of chronic urticaria.50% are classified as
chronic autoimmune urticaria and have circulating auto antibodies in their sera.
Remaining cases are labeled as chronic idiopathic urticaria although there are
some known aggravating factors such as foods, inhalants, infections.
3. Contact urticaria
It occurs following contact with substances
like cosmetics, foods, medicaments etc.There can be immunological contact urticaria due to type
1hypersensitivity.Non immunological contact urticaria are mediated by
prostaglandins. Lesions appear within minutes to hours of contact with
provoking substances. In Immunological contact urticaria lesions occur on
secondary exposure to the substance in pre sensitized individuals.
4. Physical
usually has a chronic cause and is induced by a physical stimulus
of skin produces linear lesions or lesions assume the shape of the eliciting
stimulus with surrounding erythema [redness].
urticaria results from sustained pressure on some parts of body. It can be
immediate or delayed.
urticaria occurs as a consequence to sweating
following exercise ,hot bath and is characterized by very small
eruptions.localised heat urticaria appear at sites of contact with heat.
urticaria appears as multiple small wheals and is induced by stress.
induced anaphylaxis – It starts with itching, followed by urticaria and
Solar urticaria
appears following exposure to sun. Wheals develop over photo exposed parts
within minutes of exposure.
urticaria happens on contact with water.
urticaria occur on exposure to cold
is characterized by diffuse swelling of eyelids, lips, genitalia and may be
associated with anaphylaxis.
involves deeper dermis ,subcutaneous and sub mucosal tissue and is
characterized by localized ,episodic,nonerythematous and mildly itchy but
painful swelling of skin of eyelids,lips,upper respiratory tract and
genitalia.It can be associated with symptoms of dyspnoea and dysphagia which
may be life threatening.
with wheals is a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction triggered with in minutes by foods
[e.g.: fish, shellfish and nuts], contact with latex or drugs.angioedema
without wheals is associated with C I -esterase inhibitor deficiency which can
be hereditary or acquired.
the above description of urticaria with its classification on the basis of
causation it is very evident that all those implicated causative factors are
just triggers of urticaria or angioedema. The real cause is individual
predisposition to get urticaria on exposure to these triggers. Even the common
drugs for acute infections like fever, cough etc produce urticaria in prone
people. Homeopathy addresses both issues very effectively in acute and chronic
states. Homeopathic constitutional medicines and mother tinctures are devoid of
any side effects.
A few homeopathic medicines are listed here:
Apis mel, calcarea carb, lycopodium, natrum mur, rhus tox, sulphur, and
silicia.Angioedema also can be effectively managed by homeopathic medicines in
acute and chronic states if anaphylaxis symptoms are not there. Anaphylaxis
[respiratory and swallowing difficulty associated with angioedema] requires
emergency hospital care.
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