Research methodology in homeopathy - a new perspective
[ a continuation of an article by dr sanjana vb written in 2011]
[ a continuation of an article by dr sanjana vb written in 2011]
§Research is a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions undertaken within a framework of a set of philosophies, uses procedures, methods and techniques that have been tested for their validity and reliability;
§ it must be controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable, empirical and
§two broad categories of research:
- pure research
- applied research
§ The path to finding answers to your research questions constitutes research methodology.
Pure &applied research
•Pure research involves developing and testing theories and hypotheses that are intellectually challenging to the researcher but may or may not have practical application at the present time or in the future.
•Applied research is done to solve specific, practical questions
It can be exploratory, but is usually descriptive. It is almost always done on the basis of basic research. Applied research can be carried out by academic or industrial institutions.
Research –classification based on objectives
•From the viewpoint of objectives, a research can be classified as:-
•Descriptive-describe systematically a situation, problem phenomenon.
•Descriptive-describe systematically a situation, problem phenomenon.
•Correlational-attempts to discover or establish the existence of a relationship/ interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation.
•Explanatory- clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or more aspects of a situation or phenomenon.
•Exploratory-to explore an area where little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study
Homoeopathic research methodology -an explorative &applied approach
•Objective :-
•Test the efficacy of several potentized homeopathic drugs diluted beyond Avogadro's limit in modulating significantly many parameters of study and envisage the effects in the light of new Nano - particulate theory.
•Study of different attenuations[potencies] of drugs in modifying a particular clinical condition in different ways.
•Study of action of different attenuations on genes,haemodynamic parameters,immunological ,histological and neuro endocrine parameters
•Collaborative research :collaborating with renowned institutes which can assist in adopting sophisticated and innovative scientific methods in homoeopathic research can generate waves of new dimensions in homoeopathy
• unbiased clinical observation and data verification -as repeatedly verified clinical experiences ,even modified hemodynamic &biochemical parameters by the action of a drug provide the material for extensive research on it and it adds to evidence based homeopathy.
• study of action of homoeopathic drugs in reversing mild form of cell injuries-degenerations. e.g: role of homeopathy in Alzheimer's.
•Study of homoeopathic attenuations in embryological life at the time of development of notochord and nervous system- e.g: altering the gestational diabetes and gestational thyroid dysfunctions in affecting the foetus.
•Does homoeopathic drugs have any effect on immunological tolerance?
•Does homoeopathic drugs alter any phase of cell cycle-prophase ,metaphase etc. As we study tissue culture and the interventional role of allopathic medicines in altering cell cycle a few homeopathic potencies like thiosinaminum has to be tried.this can add to cancer research in homeopathy.
•Role of homoeopathic drugs in genetics.- in modifying genetically transmissible diseases like ADHD,thalassemia,sicklecell anaemia etc treting the parents with homeopathic medicines for a specified time period and study the effect in progeny following the rules of genetics with the assistance of a geneticist.
•Scientifically acceptable
•Homeopathic drug of study shouldn’t have any action at physiological level[ as diluted beyond Avogadro's limit ]only dilutions from 30 and higher has to be taken for research as the study intends to explore the dynamic actions of remedies
•Drug standardization as per Aphorism 122. This drug standardization is conducted to ensure quality, genuineness, and authenticity of raw drugs and to evaluate the safety and efficacy of drugs.
•Study of drugs in disease and health- to test the law of similars.Study the effect of drug in diseased individuals and controls[healthy] who share similar characteristics.
RCT s can be chosen as the study design; provided the groups are similar with respect to the drug under study in physical &mental constitutions,and the drug must have pathological similarity [sphere of action]with the disease under study.
Role of statistical analysis in Homeopathic research:
It is very familiar to all homeopaths across the globe that homeopathy has been subjected to harsh criticism taking statistics as a parameter to analyse the efficacy of homeopathic medicine.Is statistical analysis free from biases? To answer this query we must know what is statistics.In research we use it as a tool to interpret the data we have gathered.
17 th september 2015:---------
research methodology a new perspective -part 2
Recent advancement in science and technology is not recommending RCTs as the best methodology for research.
The role of statistical tests depends solely on the data we provide which are based on sampling techniques and sample size, the method of study,the research tools etc.
In homeopathic medical science we can do interventional trials in different ways.The first one is adopted by the majority .it studied at the level of altering health by a medicinal substance and it is measured by a research tool such as lab investigation or imaging techniques.later its statistical analysis gives a 'p' value and we retrieve conclusions based on the p value whether the tests is significant or not.
The second methodology is at cellular and subcellular level.
[will be continued]
Role of statistical analysis in Homeopathic research:
It is very familiar to all homeopaths across the globe that homeopathy has been subjected to harsh criticism taking statistics as a parameter to analyse the efficacy of homeopathic medicine.Is statistical analysis free from biases? To answer this query we must know what is statistics.In research we use it as a tool to interpret the data we have gathered.
17 th september 2015:---------
research methodology a new perspective -part 2
Recent advancement in science and technology is not recommending RCTs as the best methodology for research.
The role of statistical tests depends solely on the data we provide which are based on sampling techniques and sample size, the method of study,the research tools etc.
In homeopathic medical science we can do interventional trials in different ways.The first one is adopted by the majority .it studied at the level of altering health by a medicinal substance and it is measured by a research tool such as lab investigation or imaging techniques.later its statistical analysis gives a 'p' value and we retrieve conclusions based on the p value whether the tests is significant or not.
The second methodology is at cellular and subcellular level.
[will be continued]
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